Sports Medicine

Best ACL Surgeon For Athletes and Sport Injuries

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a band of tissue located on the inside of the knee. The purpose of this tough tissue is to provide stability to the entire knee during back and forth movement. The ACL tissue connects the upper thighbone to the lower shinbone. Any type of ACL knee injury is common for athletes participating in soccer, football, or basketball.

Best Surgeon for Athletes

sports-medicine-doctor-caReceiving immediate sports medicine attention from the best surgeon for athletes – Dr. Howard Marans – will aid in the prevention of further damage and speed the patient’s recovery process.

Cause of Injury

For athletes and others involved in extensive training, an injury to the ACL may happen in a variety of ways. From professionals to minor leagues, playing team sports involves physical risks.

  • A rapid change in direction due to an external force or falling
  • Sudden stop due to an impact or collision
  • Dramatically slowly down while jogging or running
  • Landing in an incorrect manner after jumping or trying to maneuver around an object


When the injury to the ACL occurs, a loud popping noise may be heard followed by the feeling of the knee giving out from underneath the athlete. The best surgeon for athletes will be able to determine if the injury involves the ACL through testing. The symptoms will vary with each individual.

  • Pain is instant and does not subside within a couple of hours
  • Knee appears deformed
  • Tingling occurs which may indicate damage to the nerve endings and blood vessels
  • Inability to move the knee with a full degree of motion
  • Severe swelling and inflammation
  • Unable to bear full weight or apply pressure when standing, walking or trying to climb a set of stairs
  • Tenderness to the joint area

The pain may subside temporarily and many athletes return to their sports too quickly. Without proper medical treatment by the best surgeon for athletes, returning to the sport may create further damage with negative, long-term consequences.


In most cases, an ACL tear will require arthoscopic surgery to provide an accurate level of healing. Non-surgical methods may be used to ease symptoms for the elderly. In order to find the right treatment program, the best surgeon for athletes will begin with a precise diagnosis based on x-rays, physical examination, and MRIs.

  • Non-surgical methods include bracing, physical therapy, and anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Surgical methods involve repairing or reconstructing the ACL tear to restore the stability to the knee area

After surgery, physical therapy is usually part of the treatment program to help strengthen the muscles around the knee area. These carefully monitored exercises will help restore the function to the knee. The best surgeon for athletes will monitor each step during the treatment program to help an athlete return to normal sport-related activities.

Dr. Howard Marans – Best Surgeon for Athletes

The best surgeon for athletes, Dr. Howard Marans will work with each sports participant to help repair and restore damage to the ACL. With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Marans understands athletes have special health needs. When one is at peak physical health, athletes are a work in progress, having an overwhelming desire to get back to the game. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981.


Huntington Beach Orthopedic Sports Medicine

Being at their top physical performance, athletes are a special group of individuals. After an injury, seeking out the best sports medicine doctor in  Huntington Beach is a critical step in the healing process.

Sports Medicine in Huntington Beach

sports-medicine-doctor-A sports medicine doctor concentrates on the needs of both the professional and amateur athlete. Every sports participant understands minor aches and pains are just part of the fitness training game. When pain does not subside, ignoring the issue will create further irreversible damage to the body.

Why Visit a Sports Medicine Doctor?

Receiving specialized training, a sports medicine doctor will be able to focus on an athlete’s musculoskeletal issues relating physical fitness. The sports medicine specialist receives training beyond primary care physician qualifications. The extra education provides the patient with the best possible care relating to the human body’s movement, physical activity, and injury prevention.

With specialized training, a sports medicine doctor will be able to prescribe a precise treatment program for injury recovery. Treatment approaches range from: Physical Therapy to Arthoscopic Surgery. The treatment program depends on individualized diagnosis and medical needs.

How to Find a Sports Medicine Specialist?

One of the best ways to be directed to an orthopedic specialists or sports medicine doctor is by a referral from a primary care physician. The referral from a primary care physician is indicative the doctor will understand the athlete’s needs for specialized care involving the musculoskeletal injury beyond basic treatment. Other ways to finding orthopedic specialists for sports injuries include:

  • Contact health insurance representative for referrals within the care network.
  • If an athlete picks a doctor out of the network, higher out of pocket costs may be added to the final medical expense.
  • Ask for a referral from the team’s coach, teammates, athletic trainer or others who participate in similar sports activities.
  • Ask friends, family members or others in the peer network.
  • Utilize the Internet to research Huntington Beach area sports medicine specialists.
  • Various medical review sites are available with patient entries on the doctors who provide the best care for athletes.
  • Contact the American Medical Association or other professional organizations for a referrals and reviews.

Each step in finding the right sports medicine doctor will result in a variety of names. In most cases, one orthopedic specialist with a longstanding, consistent practice will stand out above the rest. In order to receive more information about the top choice, be prepared to ask questions during the first consultation.

Questions to Ask

The best sports medicine orthopedic doctor will take the time to answer each question with a detailed explanation.

  • What credentials and experience does the doctor have involving the care of athletes?
  • Does the specialist focus on non-surgical approaches as part of the treatment program?
  • How many similar procedures are performed within a week or month?
  • How long will the recovery process take?

Huntington Beach Sports Medicine Doctor

In the Huntington Beach area, Dr. Howard Marans will take the time to address all sports medicine questions. Experienced working with athletes at all levels, Dr. Marans strives to get every patient back into their sport in a timely manner. For your sports injury rehabilitation, please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981.