The Orthopedic Blog

What is the Expected Recovery Time Following ACL Surgery?

The goal for all forms of ACL rehabilitation after surgery is returning the patient to a normal and fully complete level of function in as short a time as possible without compromising the knee surgery.  Therapy is broken down into phases of activity. Here is a standard four-phase protocol:

Expected Recovery Time After ACL Surgery

Phase I – First two weeks post surgerysports-medicine-doctor-orange-county

·         Control of  knee inflammation

·         Range of motion is full extension and 90 degrees knee flexion

·         Achievement of patient quadriceps control

·         Patient rehabilitation education

·         Crutches for comfort are used 7 to 10 days post surgery

·         Patellar Mobilization is begun to prevent any patellar tendon shortening, contraction, and patient’s knee motion loss, all of which would lengthen expected recovery time after ACL surgery.

Phase II – two to six weeks after surgery

·         Strengthening by using light weights and sports cords

·         Full range of motion accomplished

·         Continued protection of graft from stresses

·         Improvement of patient’s endurance and proprioception by use of treadmill, step machine, and elliptical trainer will shorten expected recovery time after ACL surgery.

Phase III – six weeks to three to four months after surgery

·         Improve patient’s knee confidence

·         Progression in patient’s strength, power, and proprioception; preparing for return to all activities

·         Jogging is typically allowed at three months

·         Straight ahead running exercise

Phase IV – four to six months after surgery

·         Possible return to full activities depending on type of graft

·         Full pain free range of motion should be present now

·         Sufficient strength and proprioception should be present now

·         Patient is instructed to initiate more advanced lifting exercises

·         Phase is customized to fit the patient’s activity level

Phase V – Completes Rehab – usually at six months

·         No soft tissue or range of motion complaints

·         Physician must clear the patient to resume full activities

·         Education of patient about possible limitations in future

·         Maintenance of strength, endurance, and proprioception

Dr. Howard Marans is a highly respected authority for surgical reconstruction of shoulders, ankles, wrists, hands, elbows, and knees for those in law enforcement and for those in the sports profession. His mission has always been to provide every patient with a pain free life and a cure for incapacitating issues.

Will I need a brace?

Bracing after ACL surgery is really dependent on patient and surgeon preference. However, no long-term benefits have been found for knee laxity, range of motion, or function after ACL surgery.  If you feel more comfortable in a brace, then one will be ordered for you by Dr. Marans.

When will I have follow up with Dr. Marans?

Your expected recovery time after ACL surgery includes follow up visits. You will be seen at:

  • first week,
  • two weeks,
  • six weeks,
  • three months and
  • six to eight months.

During follow up exams, Dr. Marans will evaluate:

  • The presence of continued pain and swelling
  • Laxity of graft
  • Strength of leg
  • Range of motion of knee
  • Knee function in daily living

Trying to move through pain can only make both the pain itself and the cause for the symptom worse. If you are suffering any type of joint limitation, swelling, or pain, you should contact Dr. Howard Marans for an immediate evaluation.

Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981

Dr. Howard Morans – Appointments

The Most Effective Treatment of Elbow Arthritis

Dr. Howard Marans and his staff are experts in as many alternative and effective treatments of elbow arthritis as there are ways to develop the inflammatory and painfully restrictive disease.

Effective Treatments of Elbow Arthritis

Physical Treatmentsarm2

Physiotherapy may help build up strength in your elbow and prevent the condition from returning.

  • Acupuncture is used in physiotherapy and sometimes with elbow conditions, although no strong evidence of its benefit exists. Physiotherapists may also fit epicondylitis clasps useful for tennis and golfer’s elbow but not for radial tunnel or cubial syndrome. Physiotherapists lessen your elbow strain by strapping or taping the joint or soft-tissue.

Steroid Injections

If you’re in severe pain or don’t seem to be better within a few weeks, see your doctor. They may recommend local steroid injection. The pain can worsen for a few hours afterwards, and occasionally it may be severe and last up to 48 hours. However, most recover after this. If the pain continues. you may require a second injection.

  • Steroid injections are an effective treatment of elbow arthritis with very few side-effects, unless tennis elbow has lasted more than 6 weeks. Most people get better whether they have an injection or not.

Platelet-rich Plasma Injection

A new technique called platelet-rich plasma is a popular treatment for tennis elbow.

  • PRP involves taking a blood sample that is treated to increase the number of platelets compared with other cells in the sample. This is then re-injected into the area, stimulating healing in the nearby tissues. Recent international studies indicate PRP reduces pain and increases function more effectively than steroid injections.

Surgery – Are You Ready For a Cure?

Dr. Howard Marans is a go-to authority for all elbow, knee, hand, wrist, and ankle surgeries, and his practice extends over twenty California cities. Surgery is the most effective treatment of elbow arthritis to ensure no relapse or return of chronic painful symptoms. Dr. Marans and his expert office staff can determine the extent of your joint issues and safely and effectively treat you.

Most elbow pain will heal using the above non-invasive treatments, but some will need surgery. There are different surgeries for the elbow. Most operations are carried out as day-case procedures and patients return home that same day.  Afterward, you’ll need to follow a regular stretching program at home as well as having physiotherapy. You may need to go back Dr. Marans for a check-up after two weeks. You should usually only need two weeks off work for effective treatment of elbow arthritis unless your job involves heavy manual work, when you may need four to six weeks off, at Dr. Marans’ discretion.

Elbow Stiffness

If your stiffness is due to abnormal bone formation or soft tissue problems, you may need an operation to remove abnormal bone or release contracted tissues. After the operation, your elbow will probably be moved by a special machine for a few days and Dr. Marans will prescribe intensive physiotherapy as an outpatient. The operation may not restore full range of movement, but that is not a common outcome.

Elbow Arthritis

If loose pieces of bone are causing pain, they can be removed arthroscopically. This means surgery is done through a very small incision. Abnormal bone is cleared from the joint in an open procedure if a bigger incision is needed.

If your elbow is making it difficult for you to carry on with your daily life or is causing a lot of pain and restricting your every day movement, an elbow replacement may be required for effective treatment of elbow arthritis. Dr. Marans will advise if this is necessary and recommended. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981.

Find an Orthopedic Surgeon Who Specializes in Cycling

Even though cycling is viewed as a “low-impact” sport, cyclists who cycle at a competitive or athletic level are still prone to a variety of sports injuries that the general population does not usually develop. If you are a cyclist, it is important to take steps to prevent injuries and to seek treatment early on when you do develop an injury. One of the key steps in this process is to find an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in cycling, and who can treat your injuries and help you maximize your health.

Common Problems for Cyclists

Dr Marans MD

Dr Marans MD

It is not uncommon for cyclists to develop repetitive stress injuries, which usually affect the wrists or shoulders, but can also affect the knees and ankles, especially when the lateral thigh muscles are overdeveloped compared to the rest of the thigh muscles. Proper form and use of cross-training can prevent overuse injuries, as can being careful to stop cycling when it becomes uncomfortable. Pain that lasts for longer than a few days, or which is severe, should be evaluated by an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in cycling.

Cyclists are also prone to traumatic injuries, some of which can be severe. Falling off a bike can cause wrist fractures, shoulder problems, and other orthopedic issues, as well as more severe problems such as bleeding and head injuries. If you have experienced a fall from a bike that has resulted in injury, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible. Signs of fractures, head injuries, severe pain, and significant bleeding all warrant a trip to the emergency room.

California Orthopedic Surgeon who Specializes in Cycling

Dr. Howard Marans, head of OC Orthopedic, is the top orthopedic surgeon who specializes in cycling in California. Dr. Marans has extensive experience treating cyclists, including cyclists who compete at an elite level. Dr. Marans’ patients appreciate the wealth of clinical experience and technical expertise he brings to the table, which allow him to provide skilled treatment and refined judgment to even the most complex and severe injuries. With Dr. Marans’ help, you can recover from your injury as fully as possible and make a return to the activities you enjoy.

If you have sustained a cycling injury or have another orthopedic problem, making an appointment with a doctor you trust is the first step towards recovering. At your consultation, the doctor will identify possible causes of the injury and recommend appropriate diagnostic tests and treatment. Dr. Howard Marans would be happy to meet with you about your orthopedic health. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.

Affordable Hand and Wrist Surgeons in Orange County

If you have a hand or wrist injury, getting treatment is important to ensuring full use of your hand and wrist, as well as preventing the condition from worsening over time. Many people put off getting necessary treatment because they worry that the cost of treatment will be too high. Thanks to insurance coverage, hand and wrist surgery is affordable for the majority of people, especially if you choose a doctor who keeps costs as low as possible. Below, we will take a look at what affects the cost of wrist surgery, as well as where you can find the most affordable hand and wrist surgeons in Orange County.

Hand and Wrist Injury Basicswrist-surgery-ca

We use our hands and wrists for almost all of our daily activities, from dressing in the morning to working on a computer during the day to leisure activities like sports or crafts. A hand or wrist injury has the potential to make those activities painful or even impossible, especially if the condition is not treated promptly. If you have symptoms such as pain in the hand, you should see a doctor, especially if symptoms are severe or last for longer than a few days. Signs of a broken bone, numbness, and tingling should all be evaluated by a doctor immediately.

Many hand and wrist injuries can be effectively treated without the use of surgery, using methods such as medication and physical therapy. However, surgery is sometimes the only option for effectively relieving the symptoms of an injury and restoring function to the affected area. Surgery is more costly than non-surgical treatment options, and open joint surgery is more costly than minimally invasive surgery. However, getting the treatment you need is essential to maintaining your quality of life and preventing you from developing a more serious condition that requires more extensive treatment later on.

Insurance Coverage and Financing Options

The terms of your insurance plan are the biggest factor that determines your out of pocket treatment costs. Some patients have plans with higher premiums but little to no out of pocket costs, which can make treatment very affordable. In contrast, patients with higher deductibles and copays may pay for a significant portion of the cost of surgery out of pocket. Most patients find that their portion of the costs is relatively manageable.

If you cannot afford to pay all of your out of pocket costs at once, there are a number of financing options available. Many patients use patient financing companies or health care credit cards; loans and traditional credit cards are also an option. The right decision for you depends on your preferences, as well as your financial situation.

Affordable Hand and Wrist Surgeons in Orange County

Dr. Howard Marans, head of OC Orthopedic, is one of the most affordable hand and wrist surgeons in Orange County. Dr. Marans understands the financial burden that surgery can represent, which is why he works to provide non-invasive and minimally invasive options whenever appropriate, and to keep overhead costs to a minimum and pass those savings on to clients. Dr. Marans accepts most PPO plans, as well as several major insurance providers.

Dr. Howard Marans would be happy to meet with you about your hand and wrist health. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.

How Long Does it Take To Recover From ACL Surgery

Surgery is sometimes needed to treat tears to the knee’s anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). If you are considering ACL surgery, concern about the recovery period is understandable. Below, we will take a look at what patients can expect when recovering from ACL surgery, as well as some steps patients can take to minimize their recovery time.

What to Expect During Recoveryknee

ACL surgery can normally be performed arthroscopically; that is, the doctor operates on the knee by making tiny incisions, through which a camera and small tools are inserted. One of the greatest advantages of arthrosocopic surgery is the fact that it minimizes the recovery time.

No hospital stay is required with arthroscopic surgery, and patients can return home the very same day. For the first few days, activity will be quite limited, and most patients will only be up to walking for a few minutes each day. Every day after surgery, you will feel a little bit better.

The majority of patients are able to return to a desk job within a week. Patients with more physically strenuous jobs may need to stay away from work for 6-8 weeks. It can take even longer until full knee function is regained, and athletes may have to wait several months until they can start training as usual.

Although the recovery time from ACL surgery can be significant, it is important to consider the recovery time in light of the alternative. Without treatment, recovering from an ACL tear would not happen at all, making the recovery time from surgery relatively short.

How to Minimize Your Recovery Time

Some recovery time is unavoidable, and recovery time can vary from patient to patient based on individual healing times which are impossible to control. However, patients can take steps to ensure that there is nothing in the way of recovering as quickly as possible. Some steps you can take to minimize your recovery time include:

  • Eat a healthy diet for several weeks before and after the surgery
  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Avoid smoking for several weeks before and after surgery
  • Have some meals readily available for the first few days after surgery
  • If you have young children, arrange for child care during the first few days after surgery
  • Avoid over-exerting yourself
  • Be sure to follow your doctor’s recommendations regarding how active you should be, such as walking around for a few minutes on the first day
  • Attend and fully participate in physical therapy

Top Doctor for ACL Surgery

If you have a knee injury, Dr. Howard Marans would be happy to hear from you. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.

Are All Knee Surgeries Covered By Insurance?

In some cases, the best way to treat a knee injury is with surgery. Many patients are anxious about surgery, not least because of the potential cost. Fortunately, it is possible to get knee surgeries covered by insurance in most cases, which helps keep patients’ costs down; in addition, getting necessary treatment now can go a long way towards minimizing future medical bills. Below, we will explore some basics about knee surgery in general and knee surgeries covered by insurance in particular.

When Knee Surgery is Necessaryknee

In the majority of knee problems, knee surgery is not necessary. Physical therapy, medication, and other non-invasive methods can often resolve knee injuries without the need for invasive procedures. If non-surgical methods are ineffective or if the damage to the knee is extensive, then surgery may be necessary.

How Knee Surgery Works

Most knee surgeries can now be performed using arthroscopic surgery, a minimally invasive surgery in which only small incisions are made, and cameras are used to view the inside of the joint. Arthroscopic surgery is associated with shorter recovery times, a lower risk of side effects, and lower costs. In some cases, such as knee replacement surgery, it is still necessary to perform traditional open joint surgery.

Knee Surgeries Covered by Insurance

Regardless of the nature of the knee surgery, it should be possible to get knee surgeries covered by insurance. Your doctor will only recommend knee surgery if it is medically necessary, and health insurance covers medically necessary procedures. Thanks to the changes brought by the Affordable Care Act, even knee problems that existed before you were insured should be covered.

This means that the biggest factor that influences how much you pay out of pocket is your insurance policy. If you have a high deductible and copay, you may pay a large portion of the cost of surgery out of pocket, while patients with lower deductibles but higher premiums may pay very little. If you are not sure about how your insurance covers the procedure you need, you should contact your insurance provider for more information.

Financing Options

In cases where the patient’s out of pocket costs are still relatively high after insurance is applied, financing options are available to help spread the cost of treatment over a longer period of time. Your financing options include patient financing companies, health care or traditional credit cards, and loans or lines of credit. Your own preferences and your financial situation will determine which type of financing is right for you.

Dr. Howard Marans would be happy to meet with you about your knee health. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.

Who is the Best Doctor For Elbow Surgery in the City of Orange?

If you have an elbow injury and need surgery, it is important to find a skilled orthopedic surgeon to treat you. Elbow injuries can worsen over time if left untreated, and can have a significant impact on your comfort and ability to perform normal activities. Below, we will take a look at some basics about elbow surgery, as well as how and where you can find the best doctor for elbow surgery in the City of Orange.

About Elbow Surgeryarm-doctor-ca

If your doctor recommends elbow surgery, they are making that recommendation based on the judgment that your elbow will not adequately heal without surgical intervention. This may be due to the nature of the injury itself, or because you have not responded well to past treatments.

Most of the time, elbow surgery can be performed in a minimally invasive manner. During arthroscopic elbow surgery, the doctor makes tiny incisions near the elbow, and inserts a camera and small tools through those incisions. This allows the doctor to operate on the elbow without opening up the entire joint, and is preferable whenever possible. In some cases, the doctor may need to perform open joint surgery.

Choosing a Doctor

Surgery can be extremely beneficial if done right. Unfortunately, not all doctors have the same level of skill, or the same quality of bedside manner to help patients feel comfortable with their procedure. In order to ensure that you get the best treatment available, it is important to carefully research doctors in your area before making a decision. Some factors to consider when choosing a doctor include:

  • Years of experience – Doctors continue to develop their judgment and skills as they gain experience, so a more experienced physician is more likely to be able to provide excellent care.
  • Reviews from former patients – Reading reviews can help you understand what others have experienced. Look for a doctor who has generally positive feedback from previous patients.
  • Bedside manner – Communication is key to facilitating effective treatment, so look for a doctor who has good bedside manner and who takes the time to answer your questions in a way you understand.
  • Affordable rates – All surgery in modern America is expensive, but some doctors are dedicated to keeping their costs to a minimum and passing on savings to patients. Look for a doctor who works to keep treatment affordable, and who accepts your insurance.

Top Doctor for Elbow Surgery in the City of Orange

Dr. Howard Marans of OC Orthopedic is the top doctor for elbow surgery in the City of Orange. Dr. Marans has extensive experience as an orthopedic surgeon, and has performed hundreds of elbow surgeries. His patients appreciate his clear communication and the high level of technical skill and clinical judgment he brings to the table. Dr. Marans understands that each case requires a unique approach, and is dedicated to helping you make as full a recovery as possible from your injury.

Dr. Howard Marans would be happy to meet with you about your elbow health. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.

Who Offers Affordable Ankle Surgery in the City of Orange, CA?

If you have an ankle injury, getting effective treatment can help you heal as fully and quickly as possible, preventing further complications. In addition, getting treatment for your pain improves your mobility and quality of life, allowing you to be as productive and engaged as possible. For patients whose injury is severe enough to require surgery, the value of ankle surgery is typically well worth the cost, especially since ankle surgery is made affordable through health insurance for the majority of patients who need it.

Factors that Affect Costfoot-pain-ca

In modern America, the cost of any surgery tends to be significant, because of the amount of resources required to deliver such invasive treatment. However, certain factors can make the cost of ankle surgery higher or lower. More extensive surgery is more costly, so minimally invasive surgery should be used whenever possible. In addition, doctors can take steps to minimize their office’s overhead costs and pass those savings on to patients.

Insurance Coverage

The cost of ankle surgery is typically covered by insurance, because ankle surgery is only performed in cases where it is medically necessary for the health of the patient. As a result, the main factor that determines your out of pocket costs is your insurance coverage. If you have a policy with a high premium and low deductible, your costs may be quite low. If you have a high copay and a high deductible that you have not yet met this year, you may pay for a significant portion of the cost of surgery out of pocket.

Managing the Costs

Many patients can afford their ankle surgery using only their insurance and their current bank balance. For patients who cannot afford all of their out of pocket costs at once, financing options are available. Patient financing firms and health care credit cards are two of the most popular options. Traditional credit cards and even bank loans can also be used. The right choice for you depends on your financial situation, as well as your personal preferences.

Affordable Ankle Surgery in the City of Orange

Dr. Howard Marans works to offer affordable ankle surgery in the City of Orange without sacrificing high-quality care. Dr. Marans understands that surgery has the potential to become a financial burden to patients, and is dedicated to preventing that problem. OC Orthopedic accepts many major health insurance policies, particularly PPO policies. In addition, Dr. Marans works to keep costs as low as possible and pass on those savings to clients. Together, these policies allow OC Orthoepedic to offer the most affordable ankle surgery in the City of Orange.

Dr. Howard Marans would be happy to meet with you about your orthopedic health. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.

How Do I Know if My Ankle Surgery Will Be Covered By My Insurance?

If your ankle is injured and you have been told that you need surgery, one of the first questions that often comes up is how much the surgery will cost, and whether it will be covered by insurance. The good news is that ankle surgery is almost always covered by insurance, which makes it affordable for the majority of patients. Below, we will take a look at how you can get ankle surgery covered by insurance, as well as how you can manage your out of pocket costs if they are too high.

Ankle Surgery Basicssports-medicine-doctor-

When ankle surgery is necessary, minimally invasive surgery is often an option. Minimally invasive surgery can be performed in an outpatient setting, and only requires local anesthesia and sedation. Only small incisions are required, which decreases the recovery time. In cases where the ankle is severely damaged, open joint surgery may be required.

One of the advantages of minimally invasive ankle surgery is that it is less expensive than traditional ankle surgery, since fewer resources are required. However, any type of surgery is expensive, which is why it is important that you get ankle surgery covered by insurance. At the same time, the benefits of getting the recommended treatment for your ankle injury far outweigh the costs, and often result in long-term savings in health care costs.

Ankle Surgery Covered by Insurance

Your health insurance should cover your ankle surgery, since ankle surgery is only used when it is necessary to correct a medical problem. This means that the biggest factor that determines how high your out of pocket costs are is the terms of your insurance. If you are not sure about how your insurance covers ankle surgery, you should call your insurance company for more information. This can give you a better idea of what out of pocket costs you can expect, allowing you to plan for the cost of surgery.

Managing Your Out of Pocket Costs

If you have a high deductible or copay, you may not be able to pay all of your out of pocket costs at once. In such cases, there are options that can help you spread the cost of treatment over a longer period of time, making it more manageable. Patient financing companies specialize in providing financing in such situations, and are a popular option. Other options include loans from a bank or credit union, health care credit cards, and traditional credit cards. The right choice for you depends on your financial situation and your personal preferences.

Dr. Howard Marans would be happy to meet with you about your ankle injury. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.

Find a Top Rated ACL Surgeon in the City of Orange, CA

ACL tears are one of the most common knee injuries, especially among athletes. Left untreated, an ACL tear can cause pain, limit your mobility, and worsen over time to cause problems like osteoarthritis. Therefore, it is important to be treated by a skilled physician as soon as possible after you sustain your injury. Below, we will look at some basics about ACL tears, as well as how and where you can find the top rated ACL surgeon in the City of Orange.

About ACL Tearsknee

The knee contains four ligaments: the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), medial collateral ligament (MCL), and lateral collateral ligament (LCL). Together, these ligaments work together to provide the knee with stability while also facilitating its movement.

ACL tears most often occur after the knee is subjected to sudden twisting or tearing, as can occur during falls, sudden stops, and turns. Athletes who play sports like football are especially prone to ACL tears, as are middle aged individuals. ACL tears vary in severity from mild, in which the ligament is stretched but intact, to severe, in which the ligament is severed into two pieces.

Treatment for ACL Tears

Moderate to severe ACL tears do not have the ability to heal on their own, because ligaments receive a poor supply of blood that makes healing very slow. Therefore, treatment is required for the majority of ACL tears. If the patient is older, less physically active, or has risk factors that make surgery too dangerous, then non-surgical methods are more likely to be appropriate. If the tear is severe, the patient is younger and more active, or non-surgical methods have already been unsuccessful, then surgical repair of the torn ligament may be necessary.

Only a doctor can tell you which treatment is right for your ligament tear. Over time, ACL tears can worsen and cause other knee problems, so it is important to see a doctor promptly if you sustain a knee injury.

Top Rated ACL Surgeon in the City of Orange

Dr. Howard Marans, head of OC Orthopedic, is the top rated ACL surgeon in the City of Orange. Dr. Marans has treated patients with knee problems for decades, and has performed many ACL surgeries. Dr. Marans is dedicated to using the most effective and minimally invasive treatments possible, which has improved outcomes for patients. Dr. Marans’ patients appreciate his clinical judgment, bedside manner, and technical skills.

Dr. Howard Marans would be happy to meet with you about your knee health. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.

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Your feedback and questions are important to us. Please contact us and let us know how we can assist you.

Schedule your appointment with Dr. Marans