The Orthopedic Blog

5 Signs You Should Be Treating Your Arthritis

Treating Wrist Arthritis

Each year in the United States, millions of people suffer from the effects of arthritis. Arthritis can occur in the body’s joints creating pain, inflammation and stiffness. In the wrists, arthritis can limit range of movement affecting the simplest daily activities. Knowing the warning signs will help in treating wrist arthritis.

Concerning Symptoms

Arthritis is actually a broad medical term; there are hundreds of different types that affect the human body. In the hands and wrists, the two main forms are usually osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Depending on medical history, the symptoms will vary with each individual. Treating wrist arthritis should be considered when these five warning signs are noticeable.

1. Pain

Pain is one of the most important factors when deciding to consult a specialist about wrist arthritis. The pain may be limited to the joint area or a constant ache around the hands and wrists. The pain may only be present when applying pressure or overusing especially if the person is picking up a heavy object. The pain may not present at all times. In fact, the pain symptom may come and go if the wrist area is rested.

2. Limited Use

arthiritisLimited of range of movement or severe stiffness in the wrist area will be noticed as the arthritis continues to progress. The slow progression and limited movement will affect the simplest of daily living activities which impacts overall health.

3. Noticeable Sounds and Sensations

When using hands and wrists in the simplest movements are accompanied by a sound or sensation of grinding, cracking or popping consulting a specialist should be done immediately. The damage has already begun to cause the cartilage to wear down.

4. Swelling of Joint

Painful swelling and inflammation may occur more frequently. If the area feels warm or tender, the damaged tissue surrounding the area may be irritated causing swelling. The swelling will limit the movement.

5. Weakness

The joint may cause weakness in the wrist area causing difficulty in everyday life. Picking up objects may be limited as the weakness continues. In some cases, the weakness may cause the individual to drop items.

When the warning signs or symptoms are present, consulting a specialist will help in treating wrist arthritis. Depending on the degree of injury, the doctor may suggest different non-surgical methods including bracing or immobilization of the wrist area, exercises, medications and steroid injections. When the methods do not ease the symptoms or the damage is too severe, surgery may be the next option in treating wrist arthritis.

For an optimal outcome, an accurate diagnosis needs to be obtained from a specialist in the field. In Orange County, Dr. Howard Marans can help a potential patient by implementing different treatment options based on the individual’s circumstances. Dr. Marans has numerous years of experience in treating wrist arthritis. He accepts PPO and has a willingness to work with other insurance companies to give the patient the best results for the symptoms without creating a financial burden. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981.

Who is the Best Doctor For Sports Injuries in Orange County?

Doctor For Sports Injuries

Playing sports on any level has numerous benefits from forging friendships to developing leadership skills. Minor injuries happen; sprains, body aches and bruises are a natural part of participating in sports. A more severe injury or a slowly progressing issue due to the added stress on joints may require the care of a specialized doctor for sports injuries. When a sport injury occurs, the desire to get back to a chosen sport is overwhelming. Finding the best doctor for sport injuries becomes a matter of priority.

Common Sports Injuries

Sports injuries can happen while participating in a specific sport or simply by exercising without proper warm up techniques. The term is used to cover a variety of common sports related injuries in the body.

  • Sprains due to an overly stretched or torn ligament.
  • Injuries of the knee area.
  • Swollen or inflamed muscles
  • Fractures or breaks in bones especially the wrists, hands and ankle areas.
  • Rotator cuff injuries creating a limited range of movement
  • Dislocation of a joint injury causing a bone to move out of place.

Accurate Diagnosis

In many cases, the theory of working through the pain may create more damage to the injured area. Consulting with a doctor for sport injuries may shorten the recovery time without the need for surgery. Only an accurate diagnosis will get an individual back in the game as soon as possible. If the symptoms seem severe, making an appointment with specialized doctor for sports injuries may be needed.

When to See a Doctor

ankle-pain-doctorThe best doctor for sports injuries will do their best to see the potential patient within a short amount of time. When a person is injured, waiting to see a qualified specialist may seem like an eternity. Seek medical attention when any of the following symptoms are present.

  • Sudden and severe pain occurs while participating in the sport. The pain continues or becomes worse as time progresses.
  • The pain may be a dull aching sensation which is present during exercising, warm up, or even resting.
  • The area immediately begins to swell.
  • The person cannot put weight on the injured area without pain. The injury creates a sensation of feeling weak or the injured joint makes the person feel unstable.
  • The area is tender to the touch.
  • A bone or a joint is noticeable out of place.


After the accurate diagnosis, the specialized doctor for sports injury may start with non-surgical treatment options. The approach usually consists of a variety of techniques.

  • Rest and elevation of the injured area to help in healing process.
  • Immobilization of the injured body part.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed to reduce pain and swelling.
  • Rehabilitation exercises or physical therapy may be assigned to get restore strength and range of motion in the injured area.

If the non-surgical techniques do not work or the injury is too severe, the doctor for sports injures may suggest surgery to restore function.

Only the best doctor for sports injury can help a patient return to the active lifestyle. In the Orange County area, Dr. Howard Marans will provide consistent care to get a person back in the game. Dr. Marans works with PPO and other insurances to provide a patient with optimal care. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981.

California’s Best Fracture Surgeon

Fracture Surgeon California

A fracture is a broad medical term used to define a broken bone. The bone is broken due to an outside physical force. When the fracture is severe, treatment options may go beyond traditional casting methods. A highly skilled fracture surgeon in California may need to be consulted in order to repair and restore function of the broken bone.

Symptoms of a Fracture

Orthopedic Knee SurgeryA fracture can happen to anyone for various reasons including a fall, an auto accident, sports or other traumatic event. Statistically, people will experience a minimum of two fractures within their lifetime, most occur during childhood. The symptoms of the fracture may vary with each person due to the surrounding circumstances creating the broken bone.

  • Pain in a specific area that only gets more intense with normal use or movement
  • Immediate swelling over the area that is injured
  • Bruising may occur
  • The area may appear to be uneven or deformed especially in the arm or leg
  • The bone is visible protruding through the skin

Seeking medical attention for any of these symptoms should be a priority. If the bone is not set back to the normal position, the healing process will not occur properly.


The treatment options will depend on the degree of the fracture. In most situations, a skilled doctor can recognize of broken bone simply through initial examination and x-rays. Other more severe cases may need a MRI, CT scan or other tests to help achieve an accurate diagnosis.

Casting and traction may be used when the broken bone is not too severely damaged.

A fracture surgeon in California may help to control bleeding, prevent infection and maintain the broken bone to ensure proper healing. Surgery may involve internal fixation procedures including the use of wires, screws, plates and other devices to properly set the bone for maximum healing potential. Follow all the instructions from the emergency room health care professional to the orthopedic surgeon will help with an optimal outcome.

Working with the Best

A severe or complex fracture can be frightening event. Dr. Howard Marans, a leading fracture surgeon in California will devise a treatment program for each individual’s situation to ensure the best possible outcome. He will begin with the initial diagnosis to help discuss the variety of treatment options available. If needed, reparative surgery will follow. After surgery, Dr. Marans will continue to monitor the healing progress of the fracture including scheduling physical therapy if needed.

Finding the top orthopedic surgeon in California will give a patient the extra advantage for optimal healing to restore normal daily activities. Dr. Marans and his staff accepts PPO and will work with numerous other insurance companies for best care of the patient without creating undue financial burdens. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981

What are the Best Treatment Options for a Torn ACL?

Treatment Options For A Torn ACL

A torn ACL or anterior cruciate ligament is one of the most common knee injuries. The ACL injury usually occurs when the knee is hyperextended and twisted at the same time. Depending on the degree of injury, the treatment options for a torn ACL can be both surgical and non-surgical.

Symptoms of a Torn ACL

Before proceeding with a variety of treatment options for a torn ACL, an orthopedic specialist can give an accurate diagnosis.

  • When the knee injury occurred, the patient heard a loud popping sound. The sound is heard when the ligaments tear.
  • The sensation of pain sets in immediately.
  • The knee area will swell.
  • Walking and standing in place for a long period of time will be difficult.
  • As the fluid builds up, the knee will be difficult to extend.

anthroscopicWhen pain and swelling occurs, seeking medical attention should be a priority. The joint may have become heavily damage resulting in immediate care.

Variables in Treatment

Treatment options for a torn ACL depend on different variables relating to the initial knee injury and current health status.

  • The degree of injury from the torn ACL.
  • The length of time between the doctor visit and the day of injury.
  • The current stability of the knee when walking.
  • The knee injury is limited to the torn ACL.
  • The patient’s current active lifestyle.
  • The current age and general health of the patient.
  • The willingness to follow through with lengthy physical therapy.

Each variable will help the doctor determine the best treatment program for the torn ACL.


Treatment options for a torn ACL generally start with non-surgical options. The options are designed to be less invasive. The non-surgical approach will work if the knee is not too severely damaged.

  • The best way to get back on the road to recovery is with rest. Reducing daily activity to allow the patient to keep weight off the knee will help in the healing process.
  • Applying ice to the injured area to aid in reducing swelling and alleviating pain.
  • While sitting or resting, keep the knee elevated with pillows or other cushions.
  • Support the knee area with a brace or elastic bandage. The extra support will limit movement which will reduce the pain and swelling.
  • Take either prescribed or over the counter pain medicine to help reduce symptoms.
  • Follow through with all assigned exercises and physical therapy to help regain strength back to the knee area.

The non-surgical treatment options for a torn ACL are met to help restore range of motion in the knee.


When the non-surgical treatment options for a torn ACL fail, the next step is surgery. The ACL surgery generally consists of replacing the tissue with a graft. The tissue replacement restores the connection back to the bone. For a sports related or a highly active ACL injury, an extensive rehab may be needed after surgery.

A torn ACL is a painful injury. An accurate, informed diagnosis will be needed to decide on the treatment options for a torn ACL. An orthopedic specialist, Dr. Howard Marans works with each patient individually to provide an optimal outcome. Dr. Marans accepts PPO and will work with other health insurance companies to guarantee the best result. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981.

Breaking Down the Costs of Orthopedic Surgery in the City of Orange

City Of Orange Orthopedic Surgery

The need for a City of Orange orthopedic surgery may be the result from a sports injury or a slip and fall. The specialized surgeon is trained to give accurate diagnosis and treatment of all injuries or diseases related to the musculoskeletal system. The costs of the City of Orange orthopedic surgery will depend on various factors.

Need for Surgery

The need of a City of Orange orthopedic surgery is usually after all other options have been explored. An experienced orthopedic surgeon will generally start with non-surgical treatment program. The decision to have surgery is usually due to failure of all the other options to heal the injured area properly or the damage is too severe.

  • ACL and MCL tears or rips to the ligaments in the knees
  • Arthritis or other diseased area surrounding the joints
  • Rotator cuff tears or rips
  • Broken bones that may need to be repaired or reset after a severe injury
  • Replacement of joints in knees or hips

The need for surgery is dependent on each individual’s injuries or circumstances.

The Cost

Calculating an exact cost for any type of orthopedic surgery can be a challenge. The variables in the final expense are different with each patient.

  • The cost of a City of Orange orthopedic surgery may depend on the level of experience and the location of the surgeon.
  • The average costs will vary among patients. In some cases, the costs can be as much of $30,000.
  • If an extended hospital visit is required, the final total will continue to rise.
  • An outpatient surgery may be less.
  • The costs will vary if the surgery requires general or local anesthesia. General anesthesia is higher in cost.
  • The amount of health insurance coverage will be one of the biggest factors in determining costs. Co-pays, deductibles and percent covered will make each final expense different.
  • If the person has no health insurance or minimal coverage, other options may be needed to help pay for the surgery. A payment plan or hardship case may help in reducing costs.
  • The surgeon is in-network or out-of-network for coverage. Health insurance may only cover a City of Orange orthopedic surgery if the procedure is performed by a surgeon within the health care network.

openFinding the best surgeon for a City of Orange orthopedic surgery may seem like an overwhelming task. However, returning to a healthier, pain free lifestyle is the optimal outcome for any injury or disease musculoskeletal area.

Dr. Howard Marans is highly experienced in orthopedic surgery options. Dr. Marans has a reliable and reputable practice. Understanding the fact that no two injuries or diseases are the same, he treats each patient in an individualized manner. He begins with a consultation to discuss medical history and testing to provide an accurate diagnosis. Followed by a complete explanation of the treatment options available including non-surgical and surgical, Dr. Marans will work with the patient every step of the way.

Dr. Marans accepts PPO and will work with other insurance companies to provide the best treatment possible without creating a financial burden. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981

How to Properly Treat Runner’s Knee

Treat Runner’s Knee

As an avid runner for sports or personal health, being sidelined for painful knee symptoms can hamper an active lifestyle. Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), or runner’s knee, is a broad term used to describe numerous knee issues. With many people, running is not the contributing factor. To treat runner’s knee will depend on the degree of the specific injury creating the pain and limiting movement.

Specific Diagnosis

In order to treat runner’s knee, an accurate diagnosis of the condition will need to be made. The knee issues can be from numerous other causes, including:

  • Over using the knee with high demanding jobs or other activity that creates a lot of knee bending or walking
  • An injury or trauma to the knee area due to an accident
  • Problems related to muscles or feet can contribute to runner’s knee
  • The knee cap has been jarred out of position

Each individual will have different reasons and symptoms contributing to runner’s knee.


The symptoms of runner’s knee will vary with each person. Usually the first indicator of a problem is pain.

  • Pain around the kneecap area
  • Pain behind the knee
  • The experience of pain when bending, walking or other activity
  • The pain will increase with certain activities including walking down a small set of stairs

Orthopedic Knee SurgeryAlong with pain, a person may experience swelling or a grinding sensation around the knee area. The symptoms should be discussed with a knee specialist to determine how to treat runner’s knee.

Treatment Options

To treat runner’s knee, the orthopedic specialist may offer a variety of approaches beginning with non-surgical methods.

  • Rest the injured area. The best possible way to help the human body with the healing process is by resting.
  • Consider using crutches to help keep the weight and the knee immobilized while healing.
  • Ice the knee to help reduce swelling and ease the pain. The ice should be placed on the knee for around 20 minutes every three hours unless otherwise directed by a health care professional.
  • Prescription or over the counter pain relievers may be prescribed to help reduce symptoms.
  • Keep the knee elevated when sleeping or relaxing. Try placing a pillow underneath the knee to help with this process.
  • Use braces or other support devices to help give the knee extra support and limit movement while healing.
  • Physical therapy or other prescribed exercises may be used to help strengthen the injured area.

In more severe cases, the only way to treat runner’s knee may be with surgery. Deciding to proceed with surgery should be done with guidance of a top orthopedic surgeon. The surgeon can discuss the surgery option to correct the placement of the knee cap or repair any other forms of cartilage damage.

In the Orange County area, Dr. Howard Marans will aid a potential patient in the proper way to treat runner’s knee to achieve an optimal outcome. Dr. Marans will design a treatment program for each individual patient. When applicable, he will start with non-surgical options before proceeding with surgery. Dr. Marans accepts PPO and will work with other insurances to give a patient the best care without a financial burden. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981.

What Will Shoulder Impingement Surgery Cost?

Shoulder Impingement Surgery Cost

Each year, millions of Americans seek treatment for shoulder injuries or other problems. In most cases, the diagnosis is usually centered on the rotator cuff. The degree of injury and loss of movement helps in making the decision to have surgery. The final total of a shoulder impingement surgery cost is dependent on a variety of factors.

What is Shoulder Impingement?

shoulder-surgery-caShoulder impingement is a common injury among athletes or those who have physically demanding jobs. The shoulder impingement occurs as a result of the rotator cuff tendons becoming compressed against the bone. As time progresses, the compression area will become inflamed and swollen. The irritation will create a sensation of pain and limit movement in the shoulder. An expert orthopedic specialist can help determine if surgery is the right option.

Surgery Options

One of the major factors in the shoulder impingement surgery cost is the type of procedure used to repair the injured or diseased area. Each procedure involves a different approach which can increase the final cost.

  • Shoulder Arthroscopy is a favorite choice among patients and doctors to repair the injured area. The shoulder impingement surgery cost for this option is usually above $8,000. The best part of this type of surgery is the minimal invasiveness during the procedure. The orthopedic surgeon repairs the rotator cuff by making small incisions in the shoulder area to correct the problem. The recovery time is around three months which allows the patient to return to a normal lifestyle within a shorter amount of time.
  • Open surgery is another option. The shoulder impingement surgery cost with this option is usually around $18,000. The procedure is a conventional approach to repairing the shoulder. The area will be repaired by creating a large incision to allow the orthopedic surgeon to have direct access to the damage. The recovery period for open surgery on the shoulder can be up to six months.
  • Shoulder arthroplasty would be performed if the damage is severe or the joint has been compromised by a degenerative disease. The shoulder impingement surgery cost with this option is usually above $21,000. The higher costs are due the complexity of the procedure. The shoulder is rebuilt or replaced with an artificial joint. The recovery period with arthroplasty is around nine months.

Factors in Surgery Costs

The final shoulder impingement surgery cost can be higher due to other contributing factors.

  • Anesthesia expense
  • The amount of time required to be in the hospital
  • X-rays, labs, and other testing
  • Medications
  • Office visits before and after the shoulder impingement surgery

In most situations, your health care insurance will cover a major portion of the shoulder impingement surgery cost. The out-of-pocket costs will depend on co-pays, deductibles, and amount of health care coverage. Contacting the insurance company to verify if the orthopedic surgeon is in-network will also reduce the final costs.

Repairing a shoulder impingement is vital to return to normal daily activities. In California, Dr. Howard Marans will provide an accurate diagnosis to achieve an optimal outcome for each individual patient. Dr. Marans and his friendly staff accept PPO and will work with other health insurance companies to help a patient avoid financial hardship. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981

What are the Best Treatment Options for a Torn ACL?

Treatment Options For A Torn ACL

A torn ACL or anterior cruciate ligament is one of the most common knee injuries. The ACL injury usually occurs when the knee is hyperextended and twisted at the same time. Depending on the degree of injury, the treatment options for a torn ACL can be both surgical and non-surgical.

Symptoms of a Torn ACL

Before proceeding with a variety of treatment options for a torn ACL, an orthopedic specialist can give an accurate diagnosis.

  • When the knee injury occurred, the patient heard a loud popping sound. The sound is heard when the ligaments tear.
  • The sensation of pain sets in immediately.
  • The knee area will swell.
  • Walking and standing in place for a long period of time will be difficult.
  • As the fluid builds up, the knee will be difficult to extend.

When pain and swelling occurs, seeking medical attention should be a priority. The joint may have become heavily damage resulting in immediate care.

Variables in Treatment

painTreatment options for a torn ACL depend on different variables relating to the initial knee injury and current health status.

  • The degree of injury from the torn ACL.
  • The length of time between the doctor visit and the day of injury.
  • The current stability of the knee when walking.
  • The knee injury is limited to the torn ACL.
  • The patient’s current active lifestyle.
  • The current age and general health of the patient.
  • The willingness to follow through with lengthy physical therapy.

Each variable will help the doctor determine the best treatment program for the torn ACL.


Treatment options for a torn ACL generally start with non-surgical options. The options are designed to be less invasive. The non-surgical approach will work if the knee is not too severely damaged.

  • The best way to get back on the road to recovery is with rest. Reducing daily activity to allow the patient to keep weight off the knee will help in the healing process.
  • Applying ice to the injured area to aid in reducing swelling and alleviating pain.
  • While sitting or resting, keep the knee elevated with pillows or other cushions.
  • Support the knee area with a brace or elastic bandage. The extra support will limit movement which will reduce the pain and swelling.
  • Take either prescribed or over the counter pain medicine to help reduce symptoms.
  • Follow through with all assigned exercises and physical therapy to help regain strength back to the knee area.

The non-surgical treatment options for a torn ACL are met to help restore range of motion in the knee.


When the non-surgical treatment options for a torn ACL fail, the next step is surgery. The ACL surgery generally consists of replacing the tissue with a graft. The tissue replacement restores the connection back to the bone. For a sports related or a highly active ACL injury, an extensive rehab may be needed after surgery.

A torn ACL is a painful injury. An accurate, informed diagnosis will be needed to decide on the treatment options for a torn ACL. An orthopedic specialist, Dr. Howard Marans works with each patient individually to provide an optimal outcome. Dr. Marans accepts PPO and will work with other health insurance companies to guarantee the best result. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981.

Breaking Down the Costs of Orthopedic Surgery in the City of Orange

City of Orange Orthopedic Surgery

anthroscopicThe need for a City of Orange orthopedic surgery may be the result from a sports injury or a slip and fall. The specialized surgeon is trained to give accurate diagnosis and treatment of all injuries or diseases related to the musculoskeletal system. The costs of the City of Orange orthopedic surgery will depend on various factors.

Need for Surgery

The need of a City of Orange orthopedic surgery is usually after all other options have been explored. An experienced orthopedic surgeon will generally start with non-surgical treatment program. The decision to have surgery is usually due to failure of all the other options to heal the injured area properly or the damage is too severe.

  • ACL and MCL tears or rips to the ligaments in the knees
  • Arthritis or other diseased area surrounding the joints
  • Rotator cuff tears or rips
  • Broken bones that may need to be repaired or reset after a severe injury
  • Replacement of joints in knees or hips

The need for surgery is dependent on each individual’s injuries or circumstances.

The Cost

Calculating an exact cost for any type of orthopedic surgery can be a challenge. The variables in the final expense are different with each patient.

  • The cost of a City of Orange orthopedic surgery may depend on the level of experience and the location of the surgeon.
  • The average costs will vary among patients. In some cases, the costs can be as much of $30,000.
  • If an extended hospital visit is required, the final total will continue to rise.
  • An outpatient surgery may be less.
  • The costs will vary if the surgery requires general or local anesthesia. General anesthesia is higher in cost.
  • The amount of health insurance coverage will be one of the biggest factors in determining costs. Co-pays, deductibles and percent covered will make each final expense different.
  • If the person has no health insurance or minimal coverage, other options may be needed to help pay for the surgery. A payment plan or hardship case may help in reducing costs.
  • The surgeon is in-network or out-of-network for coverage. Health insurance may only cover a City of Orange orthopedic surgery if the procedure is performed by a surgeon within the health care network.

Finding the best surgeon for a City of Orange orthopedic surgery may seem like an overwhelming task. However, returning to a healthier, pain free lifestyle is the optimal outcome for any injury or disease musculoskeletal area.

Dr. Howard Marans is experienced in City of Orange orthopedic surgery options. Dr. Marans has a consistent, reputable practice. Understanding the fact that no two injuries or diseases are the same, he treats each patient in an individualized manner. He begins with a consultation to discuss medical history and testing to provide an accurate diagnosis. Followed by a complete explanation of the treatment options available including non-surgical and surgical, Dr. Marans will work with the patient every step of the way.

Dr. Marans accepts PPO and will work with other insurance companies to provide the best treatment possible without creating a financial burden. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981

What Will a Consultation with a Top Orthopedic Surgeon Cost?

Orthopedic Surgeon Consultation Cost

The decision to make an appointment to see an orthopedic surgeon is the first step in regaining normal daily activities in a pain free manner. The reasons for needing to see an orthopedic specialist will vary with each person. An orthopedic doctor specializes in the care of injuries and degenerative diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system.

As a pain sufferer with limited range of movement, the orthopedic surgeon consultation cost may be a small price to pay to receive an accurate diagnosis. Only with a precise diagnosis of the condition will a potential patient be able to receive a quality treatment program designed to provide an optimal outcome for the injury or disease. The orthopedic surgeon will be able to determine if the potential patients have a torn or rip in the ligament, tendon or other issues simply by conducting a couple of tests.

Orthopedic Surgeon Consultation Cost

sports-medicine-caDetermining the orthopedic surgeon consultation cost or estimation may be done at the time of the appointment. An appointment may be scheduled by the primary care physician or by direct contact. In some cases, an orthopedic surgeon may be reached by phone or email. The orthopedic surgeon consultation cost may depend on a variety of factors.

  • The amount of health care coverage is the largest factor in determining costs. Without any type of coverage, the orthopedic surgeon consultation cost could add up to around $400.
  • The amount of co-pays, deductibles and percentage of coverage by the health care provider.
  • The consultation may require pre-authorization by the insurance company. To ensure coverage of the orthopedic surgeon consultation cost, contacting a representative prior to making the appointment date may be required.
  • The consultation must be referred by a primary care physician in order to be covered.
  • The orthopedic surgeon is within the preferred provider’s network. Out of network surgeons may not be adequately covered resulting in a higher out of pocket costs.

The Consultation

The consultation appointment is critical in finding the direct cause of pain. When preparing to meet with the orthopedic specialist for the first time, consider these factors to get the most out of the time provided.

  • Arrive early. In most cases, the office staff will have paperwork to be filled out.
  • Bring proof of identity; usually a driver’s license or a legal form of identification is required. For minor children, a copy of the birth certificate may be required.
  • The medical insurance card will be needed. Proof of insurance can help determine the orthopedic surgeon consultation cost.
  • If utilized, bring copies of the physical therapy appointments. When unable to obtain copies, write down the type of exercises used during the sessions.
  • Write down all other forms of treatment used.
  • If provided by the primary care physician, bring the most recent copies of test results.
  • Consider writing down any questions or concerns related to the injury or disease to have each item addressed in a well-informed manner.

Receiving the best care for orthopedic needs starts with the first consultation. Dr. Howard Marans will use all information to execute a treatment program designed around the patient’s injury or disease. Dr. Marans accepts PPO and will work with other insurance companies to provide the best outcome without creating a financial burden. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981

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Your feedback and questions are important to us. Please contact us and let us know how we can assist you.

Schedule your appointment with Dr. Marans