Fees Associated With The Top Sports Doctor in Huntington Beach, CA

Fees Associated With The Top Sports Doctor in Huntington Beach, CA

It is important for athletes to seek treatment for any injuries or changes as soon as possible in order to prevent the development of more serious problems. One issue that concerns many patients is that they may not be able to afford treatment. Below, we will take a look at the fees associated with top sports doctors, as well as how those fees can be managed.  sarahhammer

What Impacts Fees Associated with Top Sports Doctors

The fees associated with top sports doctors can vary widely depending on a number of factors. Some key issues that can impact the fees you encounter include:

  • Whether or not surgery is required – Surgery is much more costly than non-surgical treatment. Minimally invasive surgery is less costly than open knee surgery, but the cost of treatment can still be very significant.
  • Local cost of living – In areas with a higher cost of living, the cost of treatment is also higher.
  • What the doctor does to control costs – Some top doctors are dedicated to minimizing their overhead costs and passing on those savings in order to make treatment as affordable as possible for patients.
  • How many appointments are required – If your treatment extends over a longer period of time, you will incur more costs over the course of treatment.

It is important to note that the cost of getting treatment for an injury as soon as it develops is almost always lower than the cost of treating an injury after it has been allowed to worsen over time.

Insurance Coverage

Insurance will cover the cost of visiting a sports doctor and receiving treatment. As a result, the majority of patients are able to afford the cost of treatment, even when the fees that insurance is billed for are high.

Your insurance policy is the single biggest factor that determines what out of pocket costs you will encounter. If you have a large deductible that has not been met this year, your costs may be high if surgery is required. In addition, high copays may boost your out of pocket costs. Conversely, if you have a high premium but no deductible, you may find that treatment is extremely affordable.  sports-medicine-doctor-orange-county


For people with high out of pocket costs who require surgical treatment, financing may be needed to help spread the cost of treatment out over a longer period of time. You can choose from a variety of financing options to find one that best meets the needs associated with your unique financial situation. Common financing options include patient financing companies, health care credit cards, and traditional credit cards. Loans and lines of credit may also be used.

If you are interested in treatment for your sports injury, Dr. Howard Marans would be happy to hear from you. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.