Where Athletes Go For Orthopedic Surgery in Tustin, CA

Where Athletes Go For Orthopedic Surgery in Tustin, CA

Although athletes are typically the most fit people in the community, they are also highly prone to orthopedic injuries due to the nature of their training. Because athletes seek to return to their high level of physical achievement, aggressive treatment is often administered, including orthopedic surgery in many cases. If you are an athlete and have been injured, it is important to find an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in sports medicine to treat you.  pain-doctor-ca

When to See a Doctor

All too often, athletes let developing injuries go untreated. An overuse injury may be dismissed as a normal sensation associated with training until the injury becomes very severe, or an athlete may choose to push back an injury that causes only moderate pain in order to continue achieving.

Although these actions are understandable, it is best to visit an orthopedic surgeon as soon as you realize you have a problem. Left untreated, orthopedic problems will become worse over time, especially if you continue to train at an intense level. Pain is never a normal part of training, and should be treated as a sign of a potentially serious condition.

Choosing a Doctor

The quality of your doctor can make a big difference in how successful your treatment is. Some key factors to consider when choosing an orthopedic surgeon in Tustin include:

  • Experience – Although all doctors have extensive training and education, physicians continue to hone their skills and gain experience as they practice. It is best to choose a doctor who has at least a few years of experience in the field.
  • Expertise in sports medicine – The needs of athletes are distinct from the needs of other patients in many ways, so athletes should always see a doctor who specializes in sports medicine.
  • Use of minimally invasive procedures – There are a variety of minimally invasive procedures that can be employed to treat the most common sports injuries. Your surgeon should be dedicated to using minimally invasive techniques whenever possible.
  • Bedside manner – Communication is a cornerstone of a positive relationship between doctor and patient. If you do not feel comfortable communicating with your doctor, it may be best to look elsewhere.

Top Orthopedic Surgeon in Tustin

Dr. Howard Marans is the top orthopedic surgeon in Tustin. Dr. Marans has extensive experience treating patients with a wide variety of sports injuries, as well as patients from the general population. Dr. Marans is dedicated to using the most minimally invasive methods applicable, and works to ensure that communication is clear and open with each patient.

Dr. Howard Marans would be happy to meet with you about your orthopedic health. To schedule a consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.