Everything You Need To Know About Sports Medicine Treatment

Everything You Need To Know About Sports Medicine Treatment

Athletes have unique medical needs as compared to the general population, and sports medicine exists to provide treatment specific to those needs. Below, we will take a look at the basics of sports medicine treatment.  acl

The Risks of Being an Athlete

On the one hand, athletes are at a peak of physical health that most non-athletes can only hope to achieve. At the same time, the high level of athletic achievement and enormous amount of time spent training puts athletes at risk for injuries related to trauma or over-training. Even sports that are “low-impact,” such as swimming and cycling, can result in injury when practiced at a competitive level.

The Treatment Needs of Athletes

Because athletes are in peak physical condition and require full use of their bodies, their treatment needs differ from those of people who are older or more sedentary. While the goal of treatment for those populations may be to relieve symptoms while avoiding the use of invasive treatments, the goal of treatment for athletes is to facilitate a return to the previous level of achievement if possible. In addition, the prevention of future injury is essential.

This means that sports medicine treatment is frequently more intensive than treatment for the same injury in a non-athlete might be. However, non-invasive methods and minimally invasive methods are still preferable when possible.

Arthroscopic Surgery 

Arthroscopic surgery can be used to treat a wide range of sports injuries. During arthroscopic surgery, the doctor is able to operate on a joint without opening it up by using small incisions and a camera that can view the inside of the joint. Conditions such as shoulder impingement and knee ligament tears can be treated with arthroscopic surgery.

Preventing Future Injury 

The prevention of future injuries is a key element of sports medicine treatment. If the conditions that led to the initial injury continue to be present when the patient resumes training, there is a relatively high chance that the athlete will experience another injury. Therefore, the athlete should work with the doctor and coach to prevent future injuries.   sports-medicine-doctor-ca

One key step is to prevent over-training, which leads to a large number of sports injuries. Athletes can prevent over-training by adhering to a cross-training schedule when possible.

It is also essential to recognize that something is wrong early on and act on it. Instead of attempting to weather through pain, athletes can learn to be in tune with what feels normal and talk to their coach or trainer if something is off. This can allow athletes to use minor interventions like resting for a few days or cross-training to prevent serious injury from occurring.

Dr. Howard Marans would be happy to meet with you about your sports medicine treatment. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.