Sports Medicine Doctors Near Huntington Beach, CA

Sports Medicine Doctors Near Huntington Beach, CA

Sports Medicine Doctors Near Huntington Beach, CA

If an athlete and have sustained an injury while training or competing, it is important to see a skilled sports medicine doctor as soon as possible to minimize damage, loss of function, and downtime. Below, we will take a look at the basics of sports medicine, as well as where patients can find the best sports medicine doctor near Huntington Beach.  sports-medicine-doctor-orange-county

About Sports Medicine

Athletes who train and compete at a high level are at a high risk of injury due to the strain placed on the body. In addition, certain athletes have extra risks – for example, the risk of falls for cyclists and gymnasts, and the risk associated with contact in sports like football.

As patients, athletes have unique needs. A non-athlete and an athlete with the exact same injury require a different approach to treatment. This is due to the fact that the athlete’s injury most likely had different contributing factors, as well as the fact that the athlete most likely requires treatment that will restore full function to the injured body part.

Choosing a Sports Medicine Doctor

The skill of the sports medicine doctor will impact the patient’s experience from start to finish. Some important things to look for in a sports medicine doctor include:

  • Experience – Doctors with more experience are typically able to provide care that draws on a deeper well of judgment and which is administered with more technical skill.
  • Bedside manner – The doctor should communicate clearly and work to help the patient feel as comfortable as possible. Poor bedside manner can actually interfere with the patient’s overall care.
  • Area of expertise – If there are unusual features in the case, such as a rare condition, it is important to find a doctor who has expertise in the area.
  • Visiting the office – It should be easy to reach the office and make an appointment, and appointments should start near their scheduled time as often as possible.
  • What others say – The experiences of past patients can provide insight into what the majority of patients experience with a particular physician. Reading reviews or asking friends and family for recommendations can be helpful.  sports-medicine-doctor-

Top Huntington Beach Doctor

Howard Marans, M.D. is the top sports medicine doctor near Huntington Beach, CA. Dr. Marans has spent over two decades providing high-quality to care to athletes and other people with orthopedic problems. Dr. Marans works to individualize care for each patient. He provides technically skilled treatments which are based in sound clinical judgment. Dr. Marans communicates clearly with patients, and considers the patient part of the treatment team.

Dr. Marans would be happy to meet with you about your sports injury. To schedule a consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.