Find a Doctor For Trauma Fractures in Anaheim, CA

Find a Doctor For Trauma Fractures in Anaheim, CA

Trauma fractures are fractures that occur after falling, contact, car accidents, or other types of trauma. Trauma fractures usually represent a medical emergency and require prompt treatment to provide the best possible healing. Dr. Howard Marans is the top doctor for fractures in Anaheim, CA.  arm

Symptoms of Trauma Fractures

After trauma, it can sometimes be hard to know whether symptoms are indicative of a fracture. Some trauma fracture symptoms include:

  • Swelling or bruising above the bone
  • Visible deformity of the bone
  • Pain that gets worse with movement or pressure
  • Inability to move the affected body part
  • Bone piercing through the skin

A skilled physician can often tell that a fracture is present after the initial physical examination. However, x-ray is always used to allow doctors to visualize the exact nature of the fracture and to understand exactly how severe it is.

Importance of Treatment

It is important to treat trauma fractures promptly, and the intensity of pain experienced with trauma fractures usually reinforces this fact. With prompt treatment, doctors can immobilize, cast, or operate on the bone immediately, which gives the bone the best chance at healing properly.

Doctors can also monitor and catch serious complications like infection and compartment syndrome when treatment is prompt.

Immobilization and Casting

Simple fractures in which the bone is broken but remains in place can often be treated with immobilization and/or casting. Immobilization is treatment that prevents the bone from moving. For example, a broken collarbone can be immobilized by placing the shoulder in a sling. For broken limbs, casting is often used to keep the bone protected and immobilized.

Open Reduction and Internal Fixation

For complex fractures in which the bone separates significantly or several parts of the bone are broken, open reduction and internal fixation may be necessary. During this procedure, the doctor performs surgery to access the bone. The bone is put back into place (open reduction), and implants such as screws, plates, or rods are used to stabilize the bone (internal fixation).  arthritis-pain-orange-county

If the fracture caused or was accompanied by other serious issues, such as internal bleeding, infection, tendon tears, or ligament tears, the physician can address those issues during surgery as well.

OC Orthopedic

Dr. Howard Marans is an Anaheim doctor with extensive experience treating trauma fractures. Dr. Marans is a skilled surgeon with excellent clinical judgment for which treatments are most appropriate. Dr. Marans has treated thousands of fractures, and is an expert in open reduction and internal fixation.

Dr. Marans would be happy to meet with you about treatment for your trauma fracture. To schedule a consultation, please give us a call at 714.979.8981. If you have an emergency, contact your local emergency department by calling 911.