Orange County Orthopedics

Best Sports Medicine in Orange County CA

If you have ever been injured participating in a sport that you enjoy, it’s very likely that you experienced some initial worries. Depending on the severity of the injury, you might have worried if you would ever be able to return in a full capacity to your activity. You probably worried about how long your recovery process would be. And once your doctor cleared you to return to your activity, you might have worried about being hurt again. Today, new technologies in medicine now allow doctors to repair many sports injuries that once would have meant an end to participating in sports.

What is a Sports Medicine Doctor?

A sports medicine doctor has received specialized training in treating and preventing both injuries and illnesses that affect athletes and active individuals. Often sports doctors may be found as a team physician for various sports ranging from the youth to Olympic to professional levels.

To be certified as a sports medicine doctor, a doctor must:

How Does a Sports Medicine Doctor Differ From an Orthopedic Surgeon?

An orthopedic doctor can treat most sports injuries. This type of doctor has received training on how to treat injuries and conditions of the musculoskeletal conditions, both surgically and non-surgically. Examples of musculoskeletal issues that an orthopedic surgeon might treat include acute and overuse injuries, such as:

A sports doctor has completed additional training in non-musculoskeletal issues and often works with his or her patients to:

Dr. Howard Marans, the Best Sports Medicine Doctor in Orange County

With Dr. Howard Marans, you get the best of both worlds with one doctor. He is a skilled orthopedic surgeon and sports doctor. Dr. Marans creates an individualized treatment plan for each patient that focuses on the patient’s desired outcome. The treatment plan will initially focus on non-surgical treatments and recommend surgery, including arthroscopy when indicated.

Dr. Marans completed his:

Best Sports Medicine Doctor

As one of the best sports medicine doctors in Orange County, CA, the Dr. Marans has treated thousands of patients in the past 20 years, including professional athletes. Immediate treatment following a sports injury gives you the best opportunity for a favorable recovery. If you suffer a sports injury, schedule a consultation with Dr. Marans by calling 714.979.8981 or by clicking below.

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