Orange County Orthopedics

Best Reviewed Orthopedic Surgeon in Huntington Beach

The best reviewed orthopedic surgeons will be able to provide you with the guidance you need in choosing from a variety of surgery options. Getting medical attention from an orthopedic surgeon will aid in relieving pain in the knees, ankles, hips, shoulders, hands, or wrists.

ep_stock_2911Orthopedic Surgeon Huntington Beach

Dr. Howard Marans of OC Orthopedic+ is one of the best surgeons in the area for many reasons. Dr. Marans has a consistent twenty year practice in the same location. The Doctor’s reputation speaks volumes as a professional and a member of the community. The reasons for his top rated reviews go beyond his credentials as a surgeon.

Best Reviewed Services

Dr. Howard Maran is qualified to work with new patients in alleviating their symptoms of pain and discomfort. The Doctor strives to help every patient regain their strength. He is prepared to help you return to a healthy regime with his successful treatment plans.

Dr. Marans is a best reviewed orthopedic surgeon because he is open to answering your questions. The Doctor will help inform and reassure you about the choices you make regarding your health.

OC Orthopedic+ is comprised of a supportive and kind staff helping patients feel less overwhelmed by their condition and treatment needs.

Patients at OC Orthopedic+ are always seen within a reasonable amount of time to properly deal with traumatic injuries quickly. Every patient’s time is valued during appointments.

Read more about what makes Dr. Marans the best reviewed orthopedic surgeon.

Best Reviewed Orthopedic Surgeon

With over two decades of experience in the field, Dr. Howard Marans is renowned as a highly skilled orthopedic surgeon practicing in the Huntington Beach area. The Doctor’s approach to treatment of any condition or injury focuses on catering to the personal needs of each individual patient to ensure a lasting recovery.

Dr. Howard Marans is highly qualified to address every patient’s treatment needs. To schedule your consultation with a best reviewed orthopedic surgeon, click the icon below and enter your information online – or – call 714.979.8981.

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