Orange County Orthopedics

What are the Best Treatment Options for Elbow Bursitis?

The human body contains numerous bursa sacs located between various tissues and bones. The bursa sacs act as a lubricant to aid in the continuous range of movement in a free manner. When a bursa sac becomes inflamed or irritated, the result is painful bursitis. In the elbow, bursitis can restrict movement as the amount of lubricant increases and swelling occur. The treatment options for elbow bursitis have numerous contributing factors.

The Cause of Elbow Bursitis

One of the most important aspects in the treatment options for elbow bursitis is the cause. Seeking an accurate diagnosis will help to determine if bursitis is the actual cause of the pain in the elbow.

Non-Surgical Treatment Options for Elbow Bursitis

Finding the best treatment options and care for elbow bursitis depends on the degree of irritation, inflammation, and infection. In most cases, the doctor will begin with simple conservative options to help relieve the primary symptoms.

Surgical Treatment Options for Elbow Bursitis

When non-surgical options fail to yield premium results, the next step is usually surgery. Surgery for elbow bursitis falls into two main categories:

Infected Bursa Sac

Uninfected Bursa Sac

In either situation, the surgical methods and options for elbow bursitis require the removal of the entire bursa sac. The bursa will grow back in normal manner without any inflammation or infection.

Treatment for Elbow Bursitis

Finding the best treatment options for elbow bursitis will aid in a full recovery, which allows an individual to return to a normal, active lifestyle. Dr. Howard Marans will explain the best treatment options for elbow bursitis based on the patient’s symptoms and an accurate diagnosis. The Doctor will answer all questions and concerns prior to executing his recommended treatment plan. Dr. Marans accepts numerous insurance plans, including PPOs to help reduce every patient’s financial burden.

Best Treatment Provider for Elbow Bursitis

Let Dr. Howard Marans at OC Orthopedic+ help you receive relief from elbow bursitis pain and discomfort. For questions and concerns regarding the various treatment options for elbow bursitis, please click below and enter your information online to schedule your consultation – or – call 714.979.8981.

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