Orange County Orthopedics

What Are My Options For Torn ACL Treatment Options?

The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL), is one of the four ligaments responsible for stabilization in the knee. Of the four knee ligaments, the ACL is most likely to become injured and need medical care. Injuries to the ACL generally occur when the knee is twisted and straightened at the same time – for instance – pivoting with the foot in place.

Orthopedic Knee SurgeryTorn ACL Treatment Options

With prompt attention, ACL injuries can be successfully treated through orthopedic sports medicine. Knowing the possible ACL treatment options can help you have informed conversations with orthopedic specialist and participate in a the development of an effective treatment plan.

Proper ACL Diagnosis

The first step in treating an ACL injury is diagnosis. Diagnosis is generally made after taking several steps.

The location and severity of the knee injury is crucial to determining which of the torn ACL treatment options will best address the patient’s needs.


Depending on the severity of the ACL tear, rehabilitation through physical therapy is a viable treatment option. If the tear is only partial and the knee is stable, an individual may be a good candidate for treatment with bracing the knee and physical therapy.


Surgery is a common way of addressing ACL tears. As one of the most common ACL treatment options, surgery allows for the ACL to be repaired or reconstructed. Through Arthroscopic Surgery, the torn ACL is sewn back together using sutures. Reconstruction takes a different approach and often uses a tendon from another area of the body in order to reconstruct the knee.

Recovery Time

Recovery from an ACL time generally takes several months. For those who are receiving surgery, full mobility and usage can be expected six to nine months after surgery. Recovery often includes physical therapy to help build strength and return range of motion after the injury. For those individuals who participate in sports, training to avoid injuring the knee again is key. Failing to make adjustments leaves athletes at risk for having another ACL tear.

Personalized ACL Treatment Options

Discover personalized ACL treatment options based upon your specific medical needs. Contact Dr. Howard Marans at OCOrthopedic+ today. Please click the icon below to schedule your consultation online – or – call 714.979.8981.

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