How Much Does Knee Arthritis Treatment Cost in Fountain Valley?

How Much Does Knee Arthritis Treatment Cost in Fountain Valley?


Arthritis can inflict any joint in the human body. Knee arthritis occurs when the gliding surface or articular cartilage becomes reduced between the bone areas. The effects of arthritis can make the movement of the knee joints painful. Swelling and stiffness of the area reduces range of motion, making the simplest of daily activities seem overwhelming. Some people may experience problems walking or climbing a small set of stairs. In Fountain Valley knee arthritis treatment may take place in a variety of ways, the cost will depend on program utilized.

Accurate Diagnosis

The first step in the knee arthritis treatment process should be an accurate diagnosis. In Fountain Valley, the cost of a consultation with orthopedic specialist will depend on a numerous factors. The specialist will go over the patient’s medical history. The next step is further testing in the form of x-rays, MRI scan or other examinations.

In most cases, the patient’s medical insurance should cover the cost of the appointment and the testing. Depending on the amount of coverage, the potential patient may be responsible for co-pays or deductibles. Without any insurance the cost of an office consultation will be much higher. An accurate diagnosis will help in planning a treatment program to give the patient an optimal outcome.

Non-Operative Approach

For minimal cost and the least invasive knee arthritis treatment, a patient should utilize the non-operative methods.

  • Change in lifestyle by minimizing high impact activities can help protect the patient’s knee joint while slowing the progress of the arthritis.
  • Keeping a healthy weight will reduce the stress on the knee joints.
  • Physical therapy may help increase the range of motion in the knee joint. The exercises are used to strengthen leg muscles which may reduce the stress on the knees.
  • Support aids may be prescribed, including a brace or support sleeve.
  • Using a cane when walking can help minimize the extra stress on the knees.
  • Applying ice or heat to reduce the pain in the joints.
  • Applying pain relieving creams to the knee area can help reduce the pain, swelling and stiffness.
  • Over the counter or prescribed medications may be used to reduce symptoms.

In Fountain Valley, the non-operative costs are low. Using non-operative knee arthritis treatment may help in reducing symptoms and restore range of movement which can help with daily activities.

Surgical Treatment

When non-operative treatment fails to provide an optimal outcome, surgery may be the patient’s next step. In Fountain Valley, the cost of surgery is usually covered with the patient’s medical insurance. Without medical coverage, the surgery could add up to thousands of dollars. In either case, the benefit of living without pain and restoring movement may be worth the cost.

Potential patients looking for knee arthritis treatment should consider contacting their insurance provider to help in estimating the out of pocket costs. Some providers will have specific medical professionals that needs to be used in order for insurance coverage.

In the Fountain Valley area, Dr. Howard Marans will work with each patient on an individual basis to set up the best treatment program at the lowest cost. Dr. Marans accepts PPO and works with other insurance companies to help a patient get the best care without creating a financial burden. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981.