Orange County Orthopedics

Where are the Best Orthopedic Surgeons in Huntington Beach, CA?

When shopping around for orthopedic surgeons, Huntington Beach residents are often experiencing chronic pain and mobility issues that other remedies have not been able to resolve.  They’re looking for effective, long-lasting solutions that can actually improve their quality of life, increase their sense of autonomy, and help restore their physical health. Below are some of the key characteristics shared by reputable, results-oriented professionals in this field.

Timely, Well-Informed Treatments

Whether suffering from knee, shoulder, wrist, or ankle pain, there is no one-size-fits-all solution that will bring long term results. Understanding this is what sets orthopedic surgeons apart from chiropractors and other alternative medicine practitioners. The best orthopedic surgeons in Huntington Beach always take an individualized and integrated approach to patient care.

For instance, Dr. Howard Marans is devoted to offering a comprehensive diagnostic process so that both the symptoms and the underlying causes of patient problems are fully understood before any treatment plans are recommended. In addition to diligently seeking the best course of action for each client, Dr. Marans remains wholly committed to helping people regain their sense or normalcy and get back to their regular activities within the shortest amount of time. Thus, while still careful and all-inclusive, diagnostic and treatment processes are streamlined for helping people achieve both rapid and long-lasting results.

Helping Patients Make Well-Informed Treatment Decisions

Another factor that sets Dr. Marans apart from other orthopedic surgeons in the Orange County area is his dedication to ensuring that patients are always making informed decisions about their health and their orthopedic treatments.  For instance, patients can learn about the benefits of arthroscopic or camera surgery that provides surgeons with real-time images of the affected joint and the actual surgical procedure.  When compared to open joint surgery, arthroscopic procedures entail smaller incisions, shorter recovery times, and fewer risks.  This is among one of the least invasive ways to proactively address joint dysfunction and alleviate the associated pain.  Not only are patients informed of the benefits of this treatment option, but the ability to access innovative procedures that minimize patient risks significantly increases the potential for optimal outcomes.  Thus, access to broad range of treatment options is yet another earmark of the top orthopedic surgeons in Huntington Beach.

Best Orthopedic Surgeon in Huntington Beach, CA

While access to cutting edge procedures can limit risks and reduce recovery times, it is important for patients to additionally have access to ongoing support for ensuring proper healing and long-term success.  When choosing an orthopedic surgeon, Huntington Beach residents should look for qualified medical teams that are capable of providing surgical intervention and other non-surgical treatment methods as well as ongoing physical therapy. When working with Dr. Howard Marans, patients get ample support from start to finish so that each stage of the treatment and recovery process is streamlined for producing impressive results.  Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981.

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