Orange County Orthopedics

How Effective is Severe Arm Fracture Surgery?

If you have a severe arm fracture, surgery will probably be required to treat the fracture. The prognosis after surgery depends on the nature of the arm fracture, but most patients are able to regain full use of the arm after a period of rehabilitation. Below, we will take a look at the treatment of severe arm fractures, as well as how effective surgery is as a treatment.

About Severe Arm Fractures

Dr Marans MD

The majority of arm fractures are relatively minor fractures in which the bone is broken, but remains intact. In contrast, with a severe arm fracture, the bone may be broken into several pieces. Parts of the bone may become displaced and press on the nerves. Major blood vessels may be severed, resulting in blood loss. In some cases, the bone is snapped in two, and part of the bone may protude from the skin.

Although the exact nature of a severe arm fracture can vary from case to case, the results can be quite severe. Complications such as compartment syndrome and fat embolism are more common with severe arm fractures, though still rare, so it is essential to seek treatment of severe arm fractures as soon as possible after the fracture occurs.

Treatment of Severe Arm Fractures

The treatment of severe arm fractures usually requires surgery to repair the tear. Doctors treat fractures with a procedure known as open reduction and internal fixation. During this procedure, the doctor makes an incision to access the arm, then puts the bone back into its normal position. If necessary, the surrounding structures can be repaired. Then, screws, rods, and other hardware are used to fix the bone in place before a cast is applied.

Open reduction and internal fixation requires the patient to be placed under general anesthesia. The procedure is performed in the hospital, and in many cases the patient stays in the hospital overnight or for a longer period of time.


The outlook after a severe arm fracture varies based on the nature of the fracture and how quickly treatment was given. If a lot of damage has been done to the bone or the surrounding structures, it can take a long time for the bone to heal, and longer to regain strength in the arm; there may be residual effects later on. However, surgery is the most effective treatment for severe fractures, and is life-saving in many cases.

A doctor can give you a better idea about the outlook for your fracture surgery. Dr. Howard Marans would be happy to meet with you about treatment for your arm fracture. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.

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