Orange County Orthopedics

Find Affordable MCL Treatments Near Malibu, CA

The knee’s medial collateral ligament (MCL) can tear after trauma to the knee such as a fall or an accident. Because the ligaments receive little blood, a torn MCL will not heal on its own; it needs to be treated by a doctor. Below, we will take a look at how MCL tears are treated, as well as where you can find affordable MCL treatments in Malibu.

Non-Surgical Treatment

Minor MCL tears can sometimes be treated without surgery, especially if the patient is older and less physically active. Even when surgery is used, non-surgical treatments are usually used alongside surgery. Some of the most effective non-surgical MCL treatments include:

Surgical Treatment

Moderate to severe MCL tears often need to be treated surgically, especially if the patient is more physically active. Minimally invasive knee surgery can usually be used to treat MCL tears. With minimally invasive surgery, the doctor only makes a few small incisions. The procedure can be performed in an ambulatory surgery center. The risk of side effects is lower, and the recovery time is shorter, although the time until a complete recovery is made can still be significant.

Affordable MCL Treatments

Your insurance should cover the cost of MCL treatment, which means that your insurance coverage is the biggest factor that contributes to how much or how little you pay out of pocket. In addition, some doctors make an effort to keep their costs to a minimum so that treatment is as affordable as possible. Dr. Howard Marans of OC Orthopedic offers the most affordable MCL treatments near Malibu, CA.

Dr. Marans would be happy to meet with you about treatment for your MCL tear. To schedule a consultation today, please click below and enter your information and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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