Best Reviewed Orthopedic Surgeon in City of Orange, CA

Best Reviewed Orthopedic Surgeon in City of Orange, CA

If you have an orthopedic problem, you should visit an orthopedist as soon as possible so that you can have the problem diagnosed and start getting treatment. Chronic pain and mobility problems can have a big impact on your health and quality of life, so there is every reason to seek treatment for your condition. Below, we will take a look at how and where you can find the best orthopedic surgeon City of Orange.

Orthopedic Surgery BasicsĀ open

Many orthopedic conditions, such as osteoarthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome, can typically be treated without the use of surgery. However, conditions which are severe or which have not responded to other treatments may require surgical intervention. There are two main types of orthopedic surgery: conventional surgery and arthroscopic surgery. Arthroscopic surgery is a minimally invasive procedure in which the doctor makes small incisions instead of opening up the area being treated. A growing number of orthopedic surgeries can be performed arthroscopically, but only your doctor can tell you which treatment is right for you.

Choosing an Orthopedic Surgeon

A skilled orthopedic surgeon in the City of Orange is most likely to be able to provide the high-quality treatment you deserve. In order to find a surgeon who is a good match, it is important to take the time to research surgeons in your area first. Here are some things to consider as you do:

  • The logistics – Does the doctor accept your insurance, and is he accepting new patients?
  • Experience – How long has the doctor been working as an orthopedist?
  • Bedside manner – You should feel comfortable talking to the physician and find that your questions and concerns are respected and addressed.
  • Reviews from past patients – Many patients review their experiences with their physician online. Reading reviews from past patients can give you an idea of what to expect, and potentially steer you away from doctors who would be a bad fit.
  • Your instincts – If you feel uncomfortable with a physician, there is probably a reason why. In most cases, you should trust your instincts. You have a right to find a doctor you feel comfortable with.

Top Orthopedic Surgeon City of Orange

Dr. Howard Marans is the top orthopedic surgeon in the City of Orange. Dr. Marans has spend decades treating patients with a wide variety of orthopedic problems; his patients have included elite athletes. Dr. Marans accepts most major insurance providers. Dr. Marans understands that getting treated for any medical condition can be stressful, so he maintains clear lines of communication with each patient, allowing him to approach each individual case with both technical precision and sound judgment.

Dr. Marans would be happy to meet with you about your orthopedic health. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.