Are There Affordable ACL Treatments Available in Huntington Beach, CA?

Are There Affordable ACL Treatments Available in Huntington Beach, CA?

If you have an ACL tear, getting treatment is essential to preventing further damage to the knee and to helping you get relief from your symptoms. Many people avoid getting treatment because they worry it will not be affordable, but ACL treatment tends to be quite affordable with the help of insurance. In addition, the cost of getting treatment early on is much lower than waiting to get treatment until the condition has worsened. Below, we will take a look at where you can find affordable ACL treatments in Huntington Beach, CA.

About ACL Tearssports-medicine-doctor-orange-county

The knee contains four ligaments that help keep the knee in place and facilitate movement. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the most commonly injured parts of the knee, especially among athletes and older people. Twisting the knee or forcing the knee past its normal range of motion commonly causes this type of injury.

ACL tears vary significantly in severity. If the ACL is merely stretched, symptoms can be mild and treatment more conservative. Moderate ACL tears and complete ACL tears usually require more aggressive treatment, and the symptoms are likely to be quite dramatic.

Treatment for ACL Tears

Mild ACL tears can usually be managed without the use of surgery; rest, medication, and ice can all help inflammation go down. In contrast, moderate to severe ACL tears usually require surgical intervention to restore full function to the knee. It is particularly likely that surgery will be necessary if the patient is younger and more active. For older, more sedentary individuals, it is sometimes possible to manage moderate ACL tears medically. Your doctor will determine the best course of treatment in your particular case.

Affordable ACL Treatments

Dr. Howard Marans works to provide affordable ACL treatments in Huntington Beach, CA. Dr. Marans is the top orthopedist in the area, and is also dedicated to keeping his rates as low as possible in order to reduce the burden of cost on patients. Dr. Marans accepts most major insurance plans.

Your insurance should cover the cost of ACL treatment, which means that the terms of your insurance coverage is one of the biggest factors that determines the cost of treatment. If you are not sure about the size of your deductible or copay, you can contact your insurance company for more information. In addition, your doctor’s office can contact your insurance on your behalf when the treatment process has actually begun.

Dr. Howard Marans would be happy to meet with you about your knee health. To schedule a consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.