Have a Fracture? Here’s What to Consider Before Choosing Your Fracture Surgeon in Fountain Valley

Have a Fracture? Here’s What to Consider Before Choosing Your Fracture Surgeon in Fountain Valley

For bone fractures, prompt treatment is essential to healing. Some bones require surgical treatment, in which case a fracture surgeon will be needed. Below, we’ll explore the basics about fractures, as well as where you can find the top fracture surgeon in Orange County.


Fracture Basics

A fracture, or broken bone, occurs when a bone is exposed to more pressure than it can handle. Fractures may occur in athletes who fall or are in a collision, after accidents, or in older adults, especially those with osteoporosis.

Fractures are a serious medical condition that require immediate treatment. They usually cause severe pain and make it difficult or impossible to use the affected body part. If not treated promptly, fractures have the potential to cause issues such as nerve damage, internal bleeding, or a serious condition known as compartment syndrome.

Treatment of Fractures 

If the bone is broken but still in its proper position, most fractures can be treated with casting or immobilization, which allow the bone to heal without experiencing stress from the muscles and movement.

If the bone is no longer properly aligned, if it is broken into two separate pieces, or if there are breaks in several cases, surgery may be necessary. The typical surgery for a fracture is open reduction and internal fixation. During this procedure, the surgeon puts the bone back in its proper position, then uses hardware such as rods and screws to keep it in place after it heals.

Once the cast is removed and the joint is mobile again, there is still more healing that must take place. Patients go through physical therapy to regain strength and mobility in the affected area.

Considerations When Choosing a Doctor

When choosing a fracture surgeon, some of the most important things to consider are:

  • Experience – How long has the doctor been in the field?
  • Expertise – If your case is complicated or unique, does the doctor have experience treating patients like you? If you are an athlete, is he or she a sports medicine expert?
  • Services offered – If you have other orthopedic conditions, will the fracture surgeon be able to treat those as well?
  • Availability – Fracture repairs are usually performed on an emergency basis, so the doctor will need to get to the hospital quickly.

Top Orange County Fracture Surgeon

Dr. Howard Marans is the top fracture surgeon in Orange County. Dr. Marans has over two decades of experience treating patients for fractures and other orthopedic issues. He is a skilled surgeon whose precision and technical prowess has earned him acclaim among both patients and peers. Patients appreciate Dr. Marans’ excellent clinical judgment and straightforward approach to treatment.

Dr. Marans would be happy to meet with you about your fracture. To schedule a consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call us at 714.979.8981.