Orange County Orthopedics

How To Choose The Best Severe Knee Pain Treatment Options, Tustin

Severe knee pain can impact every aspect of your life, from how well you are able to get around to how much you are able to engage socially with the people around you. If you suffer from severe knee pain, it is important to get treatment. Below, we will explore the most common severe knee pain treatment options.  knee-pain-ca

Causes of Severe Knee Pain

Severe knee pain can be caused by damage to the bones, cartilage, meniscus, or ligaments in the knee. Some causes of severe knee pain include:

Non-Surgical Treatment Options

Even severe knee pain can often be treated with non-surgical methods. In addition, non-surgical methods are usually used as an adjunct treatment even when surgery is also used. Some of the most common non-surgical severe knee pain treatment options include:

Surgical Treatments

In many cases, severe knee pain treatment options include surgery. There are two main types of knee surgery: Arthroscopic knee surgery and open knee surgery. With arthroscopic knee surgery, the doctor is able to operate on the knee without making a large incision and opening up the knee. This reduces the pain, hospital stay, and recovery time.

If extensive knee surgery, such as knee replacement, is necessary, then open knee surgery may still be necessary. During open knee surgery, the doctor makes large incisions on the knee and opens it up in order to operate on it. Open knee surgery is very invasive, but the benefits outweigh the risks and downsides in some cases.

Considering Your Options

Each case of severe knee pain is unique. When you meet with a doctor, he will be able to evaluate the severity of your knee injury and how well you have responded to past treatments and make a recommendation based on that information. At that time, you will learn about the benefits and risks of severe knee pain treatment options and make an informed decision about which treatment is right for you.

If you suffer from severe knee pain, Dr. Howard Marans would be happy to hear from you. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.

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