Orange County Orthopedics

Where Are The Best Reviewed Orthopedic Specialists in Fountain Valley?

If you suffer from an orthopedic problem, getting effective treatment can improve your quality of life and help preserve your orthopedic health for years to come. When it is time to see an orthopedist, it is important that you find skilled orthopedic specialists who will be able to provide the high-quality care you need. Below, we will take a look at how and where you can find the best reviewed orthopedic specialists in Orange County.  sports-medicine-doctor-orange-county

When to See an Orthopedist

Sometimes, people dismiss chronic pain as simply a part of aging. Similarly, athletes are prone to dismissing signs of injury as an inevitable part of training. Regardless of where you are in life, it is not normal to experience consistent or severe pain, or to become dramatically less able to use your body as you once did. If you start experiencing pain in your joints, muscles, or bones, it may be time to visit an orthopedic specialist.

What to Expect at Your Consultation

The purpose of your consultation is for your doctor to get an idea of what might be causing your symptoms and which treatments might be appropriate in your situation. Your doctor will start by asking you questions about your symptoms, including when they started and what makes them worse. You will also talk about your family medical history and personal medical history.

The doctor will perform a physical exam, focusing on the parts of the body where you are having symptoms. Then, the doctor will order diagnostic testing to confirm the cause of your pain. The diagnostic testing may include x-ray, CT scans, or other imaging tests as necessary. If certain conditions are suspected, blood may be drawn.

Once the doctor has made a diagnosis, an initial course of treatment will be chosen. The right treatment will depend on the nature of your condition, how well you have responded to previous treatments, how active you are, and whether you have any other health problems.

Best Reviewed Orthopedic Specialist in Orange County

Dr. Howard Marans is the best reviewed orthopedic specialist in Orange County. Dr. Marans is a skilled orthopedist who has spent over two decades treating patients for a wide variety of issues affecting the ankles, wrists, shoulders, knees, and other parts of the body. Dr. Marans is a sports medicine specialist who has treated elite athletes, in addition to treating less active individuals. Dr. Marans’ patients appreciate his clear communication and ability to find solutions to complex orthopedic problems.

If you have an orthopedic injury, Dr. Howard Marans would be happy to hear from you. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.

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