The Average ACL Recovery Timeline, Tustin

The Average ACL Recovery Timeline, Tustin

If you have an ACL tear, chances are you are eager to get back to your previous level of activity as soon as possible. While mild tears may take just a few weeks to heal, moderate to severe tears often require surgery, and the recovery time can be substantial. Below, we will take a look at the average ACL recovery timeline.  sports-medicine-doctor-

How ACL Surgery Works

Usually, ACL tears can be treated using a form of surgery where the doctor operates through small incisions around the knee instead of by opening up the knee. A small camera and tools are inserted through the incisions, each of which is about the size of a pencil.

Here, we will take a look at the ACL recovery timeline for people who have arthroscopic knee surgery, which is the most common form. In cases where the tear is very complex or severe, or when there are other knee injuries in addition to the ACL tear, it may be necessary to use open knee surgery. The recovery time is usually longer and more intensive with open knee surgery than arthroscopic knee surgery.

ACL Recovery Timeline

The recovery time for ACL surgery can be substantial, but the alternative is to not recover from the injury at all. Individual recovery times vary, but most people who have ACL surgery can expect the following:

  • Spend a few hours at the surgical clinic for observation, then return home the same day
  • Mobility is fairly limited for the first few days, and icing and elevating the knee will be important
  • You will need to walk around for a few minutes every day, as directed by your doctor
  • Pain can be managed with prescriptions for the first few days, and over-the-counter medications thereafter
  • The majority of patients are well enough to return to a desk job and other normal activities after 1 week
  • Physical therapy will be utilized
  • After 6-8 weeks, patients can return to moderately strenuous activities, such as working a factory job
  • It will be several months before it is possible to resume elite athletic training

How to Minimize Your Recovery Time

Patients can take several steps to minimize their ACL recovery timeline after ACL surgery, although some recovery period will always be present. One important step is to be aware of the signs of potential complications, so that you can call your doctor immediately. Additionally, adhere to all activity recommendations – it is important not to over-exert yourself, but it’s also important to walk around and participate in physical therapy as recommended.

Dr. Howard Marans would be happy to meet with you about your knee injury. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.