If You Need an Orthopedist in Huntington Beach, Here’s What You Should Consider

If You Need an Orthopedist in Huntington Beach, Here’s What You Should Consider

If you have an orthopedic injury, finding the best doctor to treat your condition can help ensure the most positive possible outcome. Below, we will take a look at how and where you can find the best orthopedist in California.


1. Experience in the Field

All board certified physicians have received extensive education and have significant clinical experience under their belt. However, doctors continue to gain skills and judgment as they gain years of experience in the field. As a result, most people feel more comfortable going to an experienced doctor, or at least going to an office with more experience physicians on hand.

2. Areas of Expertise

A wide range of orthopedic problems can develop, and the treatments for such problems vary significantly. If you know what condition is causing your symptoms, it is helpful to choose a doctor who is an expert in the treatment of your condition. For example, if you have a broken bone, look for a doctor who specializes in the treatment of fractures.

It is especially important to consider the doctor’s area of expertise if you have a rare or unusual condition. Although every orthopedist will be able to address common issues such as torn ligaments, not every doctor will be able to treat a rare condition.

3. Affiliations and Availability

The practical aspects of visiting a particular doctor should also be considered. For example, some orthopedists may be booked up for several months and not available to provide the prompt treatment you need. You should also check ahead of time to make sure that the doctor accepts your insurance.

4. Bedside Manner

Being able to communicate with your doctor is essential to the progression of the treatment process. The doctor should have good bedside manner that facilitates open, clear communication. You should feel comfortable discussing your symptoms and concerns, and find that your doctor respects them. In addition, you should feel like you are able to ask questions and get the answers you need.

5. What Others Say

It is hard to know what the outcome of seeing a doctor will be until you have actually had a visit. Finding out about the experiences of past clients can help. You can ask friends, family, or your primary care physician to recommend an orthopedist in California who they have had good experiences with. In addition, you can read reviews from patients on many websites online, which can give you a wider range of perspective on a particular physician.

Dr. Howard Marans is the top orthopedist in California. Dr. Marans would be happy to meet with you about your orthopedic health. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.