Who is the Best Orthopedic Surgeon For Cyclists in California

Who is the Best Orthopedic Surgeon For Cyclists in California

Cyclists may develop a number of injuries over the course of their cycling career, ranging from mild scrapes and muscle soreness that resolve on their own to serious conditions like broken bones. If a significant injury is sustained, it is important for cyclists to visit a skilled orthopedic surgeon.   sports-medicine-ca

Choosing an Orthopedic Surgeon for Cyclists 

From the diagnosis to the operating room to the recovery period, the quality of the orthopedic surgeon will make a difference in terms of the patient’s experience and outcomes. Some important features in an orthopedic surgeon for cyclists include:

  • Expertise in sports medicine – Athletes have different needs than people who are older or more sedentary, so a sports medicine expert is essential.
  • Years of experience – Doctors develop their skills and judgment as time goes on, so most patients are more comfortable with a more experienced physician.
  • Board certification – The physician should be board certified in orthopedic medicine.
  • Clean disciplinary record – Check with the state board to see whether the physician has been disciplined by the board in the past.
  • Good bedside manner – The doctor should take the time to answer patient’s questions, listen to their concerns, and generally put them at ease.
  • Smooth office experience – The staff should be helpful, and wait times should be reasonable.

Cycling Injuries

Although cycling is a low-impact sport, there are still a number of injuries that cyclists can develop. Cycling takes the biggest toll on the knees, ankles, and feet, which are responsible for most of the movement in the sport. In addition, even the most experienced cyclists sometimes fall, putting them at a risk for traumatic injuries like broken collarbones and concussions.

Cyclists can reduce their risk of injury in a number of ways. For example, cross-training can prevent overuse injuries of the knee, ankle, and foot. Wearing a helmet and reflective gear and cycling on safer routes when possible can reduce the risk of falls.

Importance of Treatment

Athletes sometimes avoid getting treatment for injuries, perhaps because they dread time away from training and competition or perhaps because they have come to accept the discomfort as a normal part of training. However, getting prompt treatment for orthopedic problems can allow patients to regain full function and prevent future injuries.

Top Orthopedic Surgeon  knee-pain-ca

Dr. Howard Marans is the top orthopedic surgeon for cyclists in Orange County. Dr. Marans is a board-certified orthopedist who has spent over two decades providing sports medicine care. Dr. Marans works to ensure that each patient receives individualized care that is the most appropriate for the situation.

Dr. Marans would be happy to meet with you for a sports medicine consultation. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or give us a call at 714.979.8981.